Thursday, April 24, 2008

Aleatz Hates Uni

Now that Reo's finished high school and started uni, a lot of people ask her “how's uni?” as a casual question. Reo often answers with “alright” or “not bad”. She's lying.

University sucks more than Godfreys vacuum cleaners. It's not the workload that sucks, nor the freedom (which doesn't suck at all). It's all the small inconvenient things that come with it.

University Suckage List

1) Distance: The university Reo happens to go to is 40 minutes away from her house. Fair enough. Not everyone lives this far away from their university. Dom actually lives on campus (I shudder at the thought). But overall there's less universities than schools, and the odds are you're further away from your university than your old school. So then, clearly you're going to be pissed when you start uni and find you have to travel for 40 (or 70, if in peak hour) minutes to get to uni rather than your usual 10.

2) Commuting: Distance wouldn't suck so much, if it weren't for peak hour traffic. Peak hour traffic is God's way of punishing people who drive cars. If you happen to be like Reo, and live 8 minutes away from a bus stop and 30 from a train station, you'd probably agree that peak hour sucks. The city of Sydney was built in such a stupid way that everything is spread out yet the roads are all narrow as hell.

3) Timetable: Anyone want to know Reo's timetable for a Monday? It's 10am till 6pm. NO BREAK. I do not even lie. On the top of Reo's timetable next to 'Monday' I have written 'Good luck eating!'. In response she has written sarcastically 'Ha, ha, HA! FUNNY!'. Since I did, in fact think that it was funny, I replied with 'Isn't it? I call it “Reo No Eat Doom Day!”'. At this point she told me to 'f*** off'.

4) Expenses: Even after you've paid to be in the university, there are still more costs being sent to you. Text books, parking permits, course notes, practical equipment, food... You name it, the university is likely to charge you for it. And don't live with the assumption that you can get away with not paying... no, no... You'll have to buy everything. You might have to improvise and buy your textbooks used from some Asian guy who described it as '99% NEW!' (How can something be 99% new?) on his poster, but in the end you'll still have to buy it.

5) Lack of everything: Even though you've taken out 5 loans to cover your expenses that still doesn't stop the university from finding some other reason to suck. Despite now owning your money, the universities will have done nothing useful with it. There'll be a lack of parking spaces, lack of computers in the library, lack of chairs in the food court... They really are not thinking ahead, are they?

Nothing is more fun than getting a uni assignment and being told you can only have 25% internet resources and a minimum of 4 resources. Do you know why this is? That means you'll have to find at least 3 books for every website you use in order to fulfill the bastard universities requirements for your stupid assignment. 'That's not bad' you say? Try doing an assignment on 'Boundary Layers' and find out that there's only 3 books in the library with anything on it... And they're all out on load. Now... How on earth is someone supposed to do their assignment? You can't use the internet... You can't find any books... What the f*** do these people expect from you?

Nothing is more boourns than university. Don't be fooled... Just because you don't have to wear a uniform anymore doesn't mean it's good!

Aleatz Hates Dom's Vocab

People on the internet have become lazy. On IM services they'll use various shortcuts in order to make typing easier and to sound dumber. Dom is the perfect example. I hate Dom's vocabulary. Especially online. It's hard to tell if she's just lazy, or can't spell. I've decided to create a list of the common characteristics found in Dom's writing on msn, and post it to warn you all not to type like a retard.

Dom's Word/Phrase List

1) 'shut up'

Translates to: Keep talking, but Dom's pissed. She expects you to be quiet, but I'm sure you'll keep talking. Therefore, don't expect her to stop either.

2) 'u'

Translates to: Person Dom's talking to. Can also be found in between other letters of words used by Dom and normal people. If she uses this in a conversation that means you're not Dom and you should celebrate.

3) 'ppl'

Translates to: 'People'. Also known as 'everyone else but Dom'. Be glad that 'u' fall into this category.

4) 'screw u'

Translates to: Dom's quite pissed now, but keep on talking. Note the use of 'u' in this phrase... Clearly 'u' cannot represent Dom as it's impossible to 'screw one's self'. Unless you're a guy and you have a long one.

5) 'u wanna'

Translates to: 'You want to'. In Dom's opinion the person she's talking to wants to do something, but often that's false. The only thing a person talking to Dom would want to do at this point in the conversation is smack Dom silly. Again, notice the singular use of 'u'.

Dom-like Tendencies:

1) Uses no apostrophes.
2) Uses no periods.
3) Uses no capitalisation.
4) Uses ridiculous abbreviations of words.
5) Constant use of poor grammar (eg. 'im shut up now').
6) Often uses weird phrases which make you question what word she is actually using (eg. 'thats grouse')
7) Will misspell words often, and sometimes stick to the misspelling because of convenience (i.e. 'repo' which is supposed to say 'Reo')

There you have it. A short guide to Dom's vocabulary! Avoid doing these things at all costs! Otherwise, boourns to you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Aleatz Hates Fussy Eaters

I should definitely post after work from now on, because that's when I'm the most frustrated. No point me posting before and then coming home with the urge to post, is there?

Boourns on fussy eaters. I hate them. I've hated them for a while now, ever since I realised that I'll eat anything, and I guess as a form of prejudice I just hate people who don't. But it's not just prejudice... Fussy eaters are stupid.

You eat food. That's it. You don't need to be pedantic about it, because food is edible no matter what type it is. I can be soft... You know, if you're pregnant and you can't eat seafood because of mercury, fine. If you've had an operation and can't digest lead, fine. But there's some people out there who always complain about food or pick at it because they get away with it. I've classed fussy eaters into 3 main groups:

1) Selective Eaters

The Selective Eater, or as I like to call the 'snobs' of fussy eaters, always order meals a certain way just to piss people off. They're the ones who order steak 'very rare', because they know deep down in their dark, evil souls (which they use to summon Satan) that if the chef screws that one up they'll have to start again with a new steak. Why such people can't accept that their meal is still made of cow is beyond me...

And it goes further than rare steaks. Sometimes they feel the need to order a distinct type of vegetable with their roast, because they're the only ones who think potato is poisonous. 'Can I have roast yam instead of the vegetable medley?' When these people are told no by the people serving them they get all upset and say 'But, it won't cost you any extra! Why can't you do it?' Because, stupid person, the menu says 'vegetable medley'. How do you even know the restaurant even has any yam? You're just presuming it does because at the last five restaurants you 'ate' at you got baked yam.

Solution: These people need to be put to work in a restaurant kitchen, because then they'd understand that there is effort involved in making a distinct meal. If they actually made their own meals they'd probably understand this, but right now they can get away with it (because they pay others to make their own meals from the money they made screwing people over in the office).

2) Picky Eaters

Picky Eaters are the most common form of fussy. There's a bit of them in all of us. They're the ones who pick the pickle off their Big Mac, pull the tomato off their bruschetta or take the olives out of the Greek salad. Usually that's about as far as most of us go, olives, tomatoes and pickles... But the real Picky Eaters tend to pick food out of almost every meal they receive, and it gets to the point where it's just rude and ridiculous.

You don't get a meal given to you and pick at it or complain. You eat it. There's a reason why they put olives in Greek salad, because it's a f***ing Greek salad. There's other forms of salad which aren't Greek, you know? Eat those, and don't order/buy a Greek salad. And if someone gives you a salad at a dinner party just eat it all. I mean, we're only talking about the smallest foods ever, just because they taste strong doesn't mean you have to whine about it. And you know, I bet those kids in Kenya would love a piece of tomato.

Solution: Send them all to Kenya. They won't pull olives out of their nonexistent salad anymore!

3) Set Eaters

The Set Eater is the type of fussy I hate the most. Set Eaters eat the same meal all the time, an it's usually something rather bland and boring. You've probably seen them. They're the people who go into a restaurant and order a bowl of wedges every time, or order a steak at seafood restaurant. Such people obviously never got told as a kid to just eat their food, and probably had their parents making them a bland but tasty, separate meal because they 'don't like broccoli'.

Solution: It's best to get Set Eaters when they're early. Make your kid eat their meal, and if they don't eat it, don't let them eat anything else. People need to learn that food has evolved over time and gone through history and globalisation to reach their mouths. So yeah, no more wedges for you.

Yes. Boourns fussies. Booooooooourns.

Aleatz Hates Sasuke

Anyone who knows what anime is probably knows the show Naruto. It's a show aimed at young teenagers and consists of many plot holes, one of which involves ninjas with TVs wearing orange jumpsuits. Despite this I find the show entertaining, save certain episodes which have the characters narrating the scene which happened seconds before... again.

In my first post I mentioned I hated redundant characters. I also hate characters which suck. Sasuke Uchiha is one of those characters. By merely typing in Google I was able to find a image which represents Sasuke for all those who have never heard of him.


Simply put this is the attitude through out the whole anime/manga. "You're great. People love you. You don't give a f***." I don't know about anyone else, but I hate Sasuke. I think he's the worst character in the whole show, and could easily be a good candidate for 'Worst Character from Anything". It doesn't take long for people to realise that Naruto will be the better fighter, because hell, this is an anime, and the title is Naruto. So there goes "You're great".

Next is "People love you". This couldn't be more right. For some reason when I type 'Sasuke Fansite' into Google, I get links! What is wrong with people? Why is Sasuke so great? He's got the personality of emo slug who's about to get covered in sodium chloride. I seriously believe people hate Naruto because Sasuke is in it. The "You don't give a f***" attitude is basically why he sucks so bad. If he actually cared about things other than revenge against his brother (whom I also hate because he didn't kill Sasuke when he had the chance and now he's infecting Naruto with more whiny, emo nonsense) and Naruto (why the f*** does Sasuke wanna protect Naruto? And don't give me an answer relating to them hooking up, because that's bullshit) he might not be so lame.

But he is. And anyone who watches Naruto has to watch Captain Emo Slug stand around not caring about shit. God, I hate Sasuke.

Aleatz Hates Reo, Because Reo Loves You

Blogs are stupid things. Can't believe I convinced myself to get one. But it'll be good to pull out any rage I attempt to store in the future, as I don't want to flame people on forums... And I certainly don't want to lose my job.

I never realised I hated so many things until I became an adult. I love a lot of things too. I love anime, for one. Video games also (another time waster) along with music in all its glory. I enjoy writing, even though I'm bad (which is a bit of a trend), and I also like anything chocolate. My latest main character for a story has a fascination with licorice, something which I find humourous, SO I WROTE ABOUT IT!

Now that's enough loving for hippy festival. On to the hating! Main things I hate include stupid music, spicy food, redundant characters in anime and TV/film, and a multitude of social traits which turn people into dimwits.

The Simpsons came up with the perfect word to describe people whom suck. "Boourns". It doesn't seem all too magical, but it has a nice ring to it and it isn't offensive (in an obvious way). Ever since people at my old school started using the term, I did too, and it has now stuck with me. Just thought I should point it out, since in the future I'll be saying that word constantly.

Boourns to you for reading this blog. You're wasting valuable minutes.