Thursday, April 16, 2009

Aleatz Hates Shitty Anime Devices

If I see another ‘serious’ male character push his glasses back with his index finger while making some serious remark, I swear I will burn down an orphanage.

There’s so many great plots and artwork out there… But then some fucktard thinks it’s a great idea to do the same thing EVERYONE ELSE DOES and make their character wear glasses and be constantly pushing them back up their nose!


It’s almost as annoying as 99% of the anime intros which suck balls because they go for 90 seconds and have every character standing on a hilltop with the wind blowing through their friggin’ hair while the camera keeps moving like it’s attached to a hand-glider.

I think my favourite anime intro was probably Soul Eater, even though it sticks to the cliché. The song is so good and the art is so shinny it doesn’t seem to matter.

Endings aren’t usually any better, because it’s always some cutesy, different art style being used for some variety… BUT EVERY ARTIST DOES IT. (See Black Cat, FMA: Brotherhood, yadda yadda yadda…) Then they add some chirpy song to it and they’re a carbon copy of everyone else’s ending.

Oh, did I mention official art? I personally would enjoy seeing more beautifully rendered scenes from the anime/manga then all of the characters posing in various outfits OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN. It’s good for a half a book, gentlemen! But then it just gets old.

Ok. I’m done with the rant. Now time to burn down an orphanage.


Sui said...

I think I might hate you for dissing on Jade. =(

Although speaking of shitty anime openings, go check out the new Bleach opening. Holy crap.

Aleatz said...

You might have to link me, because I can no longer tell what's 'new' in terms of Bleach.

Lightning said...

First off... whenevr I listen to music and do anime openers in my head, I always do the windy hill thing, so shame on me. But if you're gonna get that kicked out of anime you need to A. get the walking towards the camera in wind
(in the episode OR the opener)banned, and B. get standstill pictures of the characters banned.

Second, new FMAB has a kick ass song and aside the standard vices does pretty well. Best opener ever IMO stil is the last opener FMA1 did with 'Rewrite'. Maybe because that song is so full of win.

Third, OMG BLEACH NEW SUCKS. Tell me when fillers stop Sui.

Aleatz said...

Don't you agree that it would nice to see some different sort of stuff though? *Tries to think of example* Like Desert Punk! They made the opening live action and it had him going through the desert and chasing his hat and stuff.

The ending was the same goofy different art style though.

And in Tales of Agriculture (can't remember the Japanese name) they had CG micro-organisms bouncing over school buildings and stuff.

I'm only asking for variety!

FMA:B, indeed, has two very nice songs, I will admit. Still the same crappy video wind-blowing, fighting Greed/Lust stuff like the original though.

How about you just stop watching Bleach? I mean, it's going to continue being fillers forever. We all know it.