This week has been a fun week in relation to games. Not because I've played a diverse range of interesting video games which have made me feel like I haven't been f***ed up the arse by the Australian gaming industry because I've spend a third of my weeks wages on something which is smaller than Lance Armstrong's right testicle, but because I've been playing 'The World Ends with You' which has started off some interesting discussion with various people and to broaden my 'gaming horizons'. Snort.
The reason why I'm typing like this is because I've just watched this video here:
The World Ends with You Review from Zero Punctuation
by Yahtzee Croshaw, and it just so happens that this is the way he talks (or at least that's how I'm attempting to mimic it). This review sadden me greatly, because although I agreed with many of his valid points I still felt the game was fantastic. He seems to critise every game he reviews, even if he ends with a 'this is not so bad' conclusion. After browsing his gallery I also wonder why he touches games like this in the first place.
Then I looked at the video again and thought I wouldn't even be able to take the comical approach to genres which I didn't like, especially the First Person Shooters he seems to favour. I'd be writing 'And here's another arsehole with a gun promoting violence by shooting pixels in the shape of enemies and small children... F MINUS!' Besides, FPSs equal RPGs in the 'originality' category which Yahtzee raved on about in his review. Only those dedicated to their genre will be able to pick the small alterations to the generic which prevent lawsuits from occurring. So in the end, maybe it's all best if us bias morons all stick to our genre of choice when talking about things.
You know what I like? Puzzle games. You know, the ones not unlike Tetris where you shoot bricks/columns/gems/orbs/small animals in order to match/remove them. In the end they, much like JRPGs, are as repetitive and unoriginal as hell. However, after playing the same god damn level where you shoot round orbs over a pyramid I decided 'f*** every other gaming genre! I just want to shoot gems'.
I've played Luxor 2 and Bejeweled to a point where most normal people would then go and rob a jeweller and throw $10 000 rings at a wall. But despite the fact that they're both clones of previous games with simply nicer graphics, I'll probably continue playing them for a long time into the future. Mostly because the Australian gaming industry didn't f*** me up the arse when I downloaded them for free (legally!).
In reality, jewel-based puzzle games don't differ all that much to FPS games, except that instead of shooting coloured people you're shooting coloured balls. Wait... maybe that happens in both... Anyway, I forgot the obvious point I was trying to make. Maybe that everything is subjective and bias and that you should just deal with it? No, that's TOO obvious. I don't like subjectivity. Unless it's my own, of course.
Oh, and apparently Kris knows Yahtzee (Ben). Small world.
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