Monday, May 19, 2008

Aleatz Hates Facebook

I hate Facebook, yet I'm a member. The world doesn't always work the way you expect it, huh? I avoided touching MySpace for years because I thought it sounded stupid. One would ask why Facebook would be any different. I don't think it is, personally. I think both are pretty much as dumb as each other. They're both online fads which consist of pointless chatter between friends you already meet on a daily basis, and both give you millions of ways to waste time online.

Granted, being online on forums, blogs and whatnot wouldn't really be considered productive anyway. But it's not just the lack of productivity. Places like MySpace attract people and conversations which I wouldn't consider inspiring or interesting. They're full of teenagers typing with a literacy level of Dom, whilst uploading their skanky photos for all their friends (and the world) to see.

Also, why do people have so many friends in these places? I mean, look at Kevin Rudd's MySpace... DO THEY KNOW HIM PERSONALLY?! Although that's an exaggerated example, lots of people in these so called 'online communities' who have tons of friends don't actually know them as friends or think of them as friends. It's all bullshit, and people with shitloads of friends display it as some trophy for popularity. I know this, because I've seriously heard people ask 'how many friends do you have on MySpace?' as if it makes the person they're asking any less of an arse.


Figure 1: Graph regarding the relationship between the amount of friends you have on Facebook in relation to how much bullshit you're full of. Yeah, it doesn't actually make sense. Get over it.

Let us add to this the scandal regarding an application on Facebook which could record and show to your friends what website you'd viewed. Sure, most applications ask people for their permission before stuff like that, but absent-minded people like me can easily just click 'ok'. I mean, f***, I don't want anyone knowing what websites I view! Seriously, INVASION OF PRIVACY! I'm not the type of person who sings the male part of the 'Porn' song, but I still would rather people didn't see the crap I look at.

I ended up joining Facebook to see some of my friend's pictures (because clearly no one had ever told them about Photobucket), and now I use it more often than I'm proud of. Currently I'm getting emails from applications which make no sense, and friend requests from people I've never even heard of. It frustrates me. I could go in and change my email preferences but it's much easier to delete the emails.

If you haven't joined one of these places, please don't. Ignore any email I send you asking you to join. Facebook sent it, not me.

1 comment:

Lightning Strike said...

Agreed. The only reason I have Facebook is to communicate with the people that I care about. Nothing more. And why people I barely/don't know send me crap I don't know/don't care bout is worthless. But certain people on facebook make it all better.