This one is probably for all those Sydney-siders out there. Because today I shall be discussing Today FM and why no one should listen to it. If you're not from Sydney (or Australia) never fear! Thanks to my writings you too shall hate Today FM, even though you've never listened to it... Which is the way it should be.
Firstly, I shall point out that Today FM was perhaps the first radio station I regularly listened to. Anyone who has listened to it will know that Today FM is a commercial station which plays pop music and shitty talk-shows in between advertisements. When I say 'pop', I'm not simply limiting to the stereotypical pop genre, but basically music which is recent and the majority of people like listening to.
I'm fine with that. As a radio station you're allowed to play ads in order to make money. You're also allowed to play the music you think will get you the highest ratings and appeal to your target audience. But the things I have the biggest problem with is the talk. That's right.
I've discovered, now that I drive to work, that peak hour radio consists of less songs, more ads and mostly talking. When you look over to Triple M (which is owned by the same people who own Today FM, ironically) you see funny, down to earth comedy. I believe Triple M is aiming for a difference audience to Today FM, so that might explain why I prefer it.
While listening to Nova on a drive home a woman rang up and said how she used to listen to Triple M before her friends enlightened her as to how a majority of it wasn't live, etc. That woman is a moron. Sorry lady, but it's true. It's just like the people who started bitchin' when they discovered that some Chaser stunts were set up. You feel like calling those people up and saying 'Well DUH! Would you like a waffle with your dish of idiocy this morning?'
No one bitches about news on TV being pre-recorded. They only bitch when it's the people who take the piss out of things. Point is, you listen to this stuff to laugh and be entertained. Who cares if it's pre-recorded? If they spent more time editing it in order to make it funnier, who gives a crap? Cheers to them, I say. The point of all that was basically to say how I enjoy being entertained during the part of radio which isn't ads.
Which is why Today FM sucks. It's basically a giant ad for Ten nonstop. They also share their exclusive 'hot Hollywood gossip' if they run out of shit to advertise. Thanks. I really wanted to know about how much more of a whore Lindsay Lohan is. Not. Anyway, they talk about Big Brother constantly. I mean, if it wasn't already bad enough that the show airs on TV, they have the nerve to discuss it on peak hour radio.
What a way to corrupt a generation! It sickens me that people are more worried about the ratings on video games than this shit playing on radio. Kids watch those douches on Big Brother being dramatic and think that's normal. The people who end up on Big Brother are sad, bogan losers who's only achievement in life is their appearance on Big Brother, where they sleep with some other bogan on national television.
I'm going to save my bitching about Ten for another day... But the general idea behind Ten is that it wraps shit in metallic paper and hands it to teenagers and shallow women. Don't poison our airwaves with it, Ten. I know that radio is something you can avoid, but if you're a channel changer like me you're bound to hear it at some point. I honestly wouldn't hate Today FM if they weren't a billboard for Ten.
The other thing I do hate about them though, is their speeding up of music. The agenda behind it is still unclear to me (more time for Big Brother ads?), but it's pissing me off. Yeah, so if someone from Today FM ever reads this (which is VERY unlikely) tell all your people that some of us aren't morons, and we know you're speeding up the music you play.
Boourns Today FM. I'm going to Nova for my pop music fix!