Monday, December 22, 2008

Aleatz Hates Christmas

Bah humbug.

I would like Christmas a bit more if it was a bit like the 'traditional' Christmas for me. Haven't had a Christmas tree in the house for almost a decade. Here in Oz we also have the luxury of a nice, warm summer. Doesn't even snow here in winter though, so I don't even know what I'm after. Also, my mum wanted me to go out and buy the Christmas present she was giving me... Kinda ruins the idea.

I'd love to say that none of that matters, and all that matters is the concept, but it's completely lost on my family. Over-glorified presents to the family members every year... Even when my mum's side of the family agreed to do a Secret Santa style present giving scenario one year (because otherwise it gets pretty expensive for those on a pension) my mum butchered it by getting every family member 'a little something' that they probably felt guilty in receiving because they had nothing planned for her because they thought they weren't supposed to.

Well, enough about that. Although polishing silver and working it my parent's shop for the last few days has dampened my holiday cheer, I can safely say I have it good. The fact that I'm type this now is proof enough of that. Even when I feel like taking a leaf from Mr Garrison's book and singing a not-too-pleasant Christmas song sometimes, I bounce back a few seconds later. So from me:


Now go and eat some puddin'. Make sure to drown it in brandy custard. And if I don't update before New Year's, I hope you have a good one. I, however, am working!

Grin through the pain...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Aleatz Hates Censorship

I don't usually do this (and I doubt doing this will have much of an impact) but I felt inclined to post this:

What internet censorship will mean for Australians:
  • Slower internet speeds, even when the filler isn't used.
  • The blocking of R+ material, meaning movies, games, etc.
  • Control over what content is displayed.

I understand the government's aims, but the reality is that the internet is an entirely different beast to movies, television and all of that. Blocking 'inappropriate content' will be unbelievably impractical, and I think they just shouldn't bother. It'll just be another governmental cock-up. Plus, you know, I don't want them to decide what content I should to view. For all I know they could block one of my favourite anime shows and then I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Yeah, just a tad dramatic there.

Oh, and I'm leaving for (the flooded) Tamworth on Saturday. Looking at rocks shall be fun! No net activity for a week. [insert smiles] Pull out your sniper, God, and aim for my shiny forehead.