Please forgive me for this horrid animation. It seemed good in theory, but now it looks shit. Episode 2 will actually be funny, although by the time I post it I probably won't think that. And just so you know, I intend to write a bunch of random crap after I post one of these things. Just a warning.
This is the time of the year when a bunch of stuff hits the fan. Exams, finances, Xmas prep... You know what I mean, right? Surprisingly, for once in my life I'm actually managing things pretty well. I'm not procrastinating much with certain things... Perhaps I'm growing up? I sure hope so. About time my brain caught up to my chest.
That said, I don't seem to have enough focus for a solid 'one topic only' blog post, so I won't make one. Not now anyway. I feel inclined to do a MASSIVE post on Jesus Camp [link] and how stupid fundamentalism is, but we can save that for another day (month).
Dom got me hooked on Birds of Tokyo. If you feel like some new grooves I suggest you check them out. I promise you won't be disappointed (note: not an actual promise). I've also (this one is actually pathetic) been hooked on Code Geass, that crappy anime that doesn't know whether it's a mecha or a drama. I suppose all mechas are dramas when it comes down to it. However this is far more drama than I expected. It's like Death Note (actually, it's so similar to Death Note that I had to check the title to see if I wasn't watching a 'future' based Death Note series), so this means I already know what's going to happen. Yay for me.
Oh, and I'm going for my green Ps on Wednesday. I don't really care... There's not much of a difference between a P1 and P2 license anyway. I still won't be able to have any alcohol before driving, which means my staff drink shall continue to 'go to waste' (as said by Craig) on cranberry juice and lemon, lime and bitters (although bitters is actually alcoholic, but if anyone asks I didn't actually know that).
Although I didn't even have to see it to know it would be awful, here's a little preview for all those who allocated time to this shitty remake (I sure hope no one actually did).
Yeah, it was Australia's #1 show until you fucked with it. You even pulled Sharon out. Now it's a pile of roting garbage. (Actually, Chasers is better, but surely American producers wouldn't be stupid enough to make an US version... would they?) No one in the US will even touch the Aussie version now, thanks to this shit.
The argument for creating this crime against humanity was that Americans wouldn't get Australian humour/jokes. This must have also been the divine logic behind the tragedy which was the US remake of Red Dwarf. Now I know how it feels to see my culture warped.
Well Yankees? Do you get this?:
If not, then maybe they just should have never put Kath & Kim on in America in the first place. The show was good because of its satirical representation of middle class Australia. Now the US has cocked up and served out a shitty sitcom which is just like all their other shitty sitcoms... Hell, it's so crap that it's even worse. I sure hope Jane and Gina have learnt their lesson.
And another note...
It appears that updating has become a monthly phenomenon...
Anyway, so I just accidentally deleted my ISYS assignment. I'm a little pissed. It wasn't anything long or hard, but I'd basically finished it and my computer has a different version of Excel to those at uni so it's just going to be a bitch to do now. Right, now that that's off my chest I'll go onto the main article.
It was in high school that the term 'emo' was first introduced to me, and I remember that for a few years after I still had no clue what it really meant. Randomly and recently I decided to look it up on the internet, because although I 'know' what the term means I was curious to know what people who fitted into the emo subculture actually thought it was.
You know when you go on an insightful journey and then find out that there wasn't anything too insightful to begin with? No? Well I suppose it doesn't happen too often. I don't know why I expected there to be anything insightful about such a crappy mainstream subculture, but I hoped that people who were involved would have enough brains to describe their culture as something more than the vague and dumb image I had developed over the last few years.
The term for the teenagers who listen emocore is emo kids. The society thinks about them as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions, they're sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feeling writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger; all because the world fails to understand them. Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone, stream of consciousness writing, a simple (ABAB) or nonexistent rhyme scheme, references to the flesh, especially the heart, heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives, and concern over the mutability of time, love or both. Themes such as life is pain are common. You can check some 'emo poems' on our forum! Altough life is already very hard for them, emo kids have to suffer for even more society prosecution because of their condition. The term 'emo' itself is used nowadays as an insult. Adressed to a person means they are 'overly emotional'. Emocore is compared with pop boy bands of 1990s. Critics cast the music as lacking any artistic merit and that the fashion is just ... a fashion used to drive girls attention. The ones who are emo not because they feel it, but because they like to be trendy are named 'posers'. A big percent of the current emo subculture is formed by posers. Emo subculture is acused that it is celebrating self-harm. As i've said before many fail to understand that those are only fake emos (rawrr you bastards, get away from here); actually i have no rights to judge them even if most of us suffer because of them.
I've bolded all the parts which made me crack into hysterics. The main part which makes me laugh is the concept of suffering and how it's used in this description in particular.
Amyler thinks I use Kenya as a solution to all my problems. Damn right I do. But I can substitute it for another African country like Rwanda if I want, because I'm pretty sure sending any of these whiny arseholes out of a first world country would stop them from bitching about 'suffering'. Suffering is when someone actually has to live through some sort of traumatic experience. How is suffering linked to people incorrectly using your subculture? Who gives a shit if they listen to similar music as you and feel the urge to call themselves emo or whatever?
I don't. But then again, I'm not an emo and I haven't really suffered through society's prosecution or however you describe it. Then again, I've never described myself as suffering, so I don't feel like a hypocrite.
I'd like to make some points which might never be read by anyone, let alone the webmaster of luv-emo, but I'll write them because this is how I get my kicks after deleting my assignment.
Judging by your forums and everything, it appears there's plenty of emos out there... I'm sure these spoilt brats (and that is what they are) can find emo friends close to them to gain friendships.
I'm presuming that the ratio of disability and all that is similar to the average person, so I guess they're not stuck on getting a job (unless you include mental aspects, in which they're pretty much screwed).
Based on the two forementioned points you have nothing to bitch about. I could stop here but I'll just keep going.
Your subculture and music genre was probably coined by some sly music producers and artists who are now rolling in dough because now they have an automatic fanbase who basically listens to music and writes poems as their main hobbies.
There are people out there who suffer from depression, abuse and all the excuses that you use to complain about your life who don't bitch about it on a daily basis and don't feel the need to join a generic subculture which has no individuality.
First sentence contradicts the fourth last sentence. 'Emo kids' are described as teenagers who listen to emocore, but apparently to be emo you need to 'feel it'... WTF? A serious WTF. First listening to a particular genre of music makes you emo, then you have to feel something that only the cheerleaders from Bring It On would know about to be a real emo. It's all full of bullshit.
Am I generalising much? Probably. But emos brought it upon themselves with their crappy websites, music, fashion sense and personalities. Besides, I didn't realise that you could classify someone's entire personality based on the music they listened to. You learn something every day.
PS: I was trying to find the part in Skins where Chris is sitting with the emo kids at a party, but I couldn't. Instead, here's him trying to sell a cup of tea. Enjoy!
New years eve
Somehow, I managed to convince myself it was new years eve, and that the
new year we were dawning on would be measured by action, not time.
Civilisations w...
attack of the inner emo
Lightning pounders why I forget to do stuff...
*Dusts this shit off*
Dispite having six months of not doing this I still want it. Maybe it's
cause I see everyone else maintianing a blogs. And even thoug...
Where the wild things are!
I'm back, and fully ready to be snotty and anal! Today, I thought I'd
complain about some of the smaller, less significant annoyances that have
popped up i...
Vectors Past and Present, the story of life
So here she is, the vector I've been working on most of this year on and
off XD Hermione Granger, as played by Emma Watson. :p As you can see I've
not done...
I Miss Michelle. And I really hate conservatives.
It's two in the morning and I'm writing a blog...yeah, I'm officially bored.
My bestest buddy Michelle is gone from the internet, vanished! I feel