Source: The best representation of Bleach on the web. For a real life representation, take your dog for a walk.
When discussing Bleach to those who watch the series religiously, I put forward the impression that I don't like the show because it drags a fair bit. Most respond by asking where I'm up to, and after I explain further they reply with something along the lines of:
“Oh. Well, that's a boring bit, obviously. You should skip the next 20 episodes till you get to the next arc, because that's good. Also, you might want to just forget the section after that, since most of that's filler... blah, blah, blah, bleh, bleh, blah...”
How about this all of you Bleach fans. NO. Fuck no. I've tried watching it, and I'm not doing it. You know the reason why people don't drink bleach? Because it makes you vomit. The same could almost be said about the way this show seems to consume people's time, even though they realise they're watching something which isn't that good.
What is so great about Bleach? Fight scenes? Psh. They're alright, but I'm not waiting 10 episodes just to get to a good fight scene. Or, alternatively, sitting through a fight scene which contains about 10 minutes of pointless dialogue. What does Bleach think it is, Dragon Ball Z? I also noticed a shitload of running. Most of it contained dialogue, but none of it was any good. In fact there's not really any good dialogue in the entire show. So I'm almost at a loss as to why people still watch it.
Your common household detergent currently contains 187 episodes of shit. Wolf's Rain (one of my favourites) has 30 episodes in total, with 2-3 being fillers. Full Metal Alchemist has 51, plus a movie. Trinity Blood has 24. Trigun has 26.
So tell me why Bleach needs 187 episodes to be good? The answer is astoundingly simple. It isn't good, therefore it needs a million more episodes to make up for the fact that the people making it don't know how to summarise. Somehow quantity prevails once again over quality.
You know what's even more disturbing? The anime is supposedly better than the manga! God, the manga must be complete shite then. The only show I've come to hate more than Bleach is Inuyasha, and that's basically because they're so similar. They both have a ton of episodes, a disgruntled protagonist who carries an oversized sword, and a bunch of creators rolling around in the money which is spent to purchase all the DVDs and manga books which come with these shitty shows.
So can someone please tell me what's the appeal of this show? Or is it like cigarettes? Only the users know...